Third molars or wisdom teeth can cause potential dental health issues like overcrowding, trapped second molars and growths. At Smile Dental Riverview, we offer painless wisdom tooth removal to avoid future oral issues.
Wisdom tooth removal is minor oral surgery to remove partly grown teeth. This procedure is recommended for those aged 18-24 years.
Our surgeons have many years of experience in oral surgery. By removing the particular wisdom tooth, you can maintain a pain-free smile and oral wellbeing.
Why choose wisdom tooth minor oral surgery?
An impacted wisdom tooth, if left untreated, can cause serious issues. These include:
Dry Socket
Damage to Other Teeth
Therefore, Smile Dental Riverview recommends wisdom tooth removal surgery.
Here are some reasons why wisdom tooth extraction is necessary:
Bad breath
Tooth decay
Bone loss around the underlying socket
Damage to surrounding teeth
Pain in oral cavity
Food particles stuck in & around the molars
Gum disease around wisdom tooth
Steps for wisdom tooth minor oral surgery
We offer wisdom tooth surgery to prevent bite problems, misdirected teeth and decay.
Wisdom tooth extraction involves:
Step 1: Anesthesia administration
The dental surgeon will numb the gums by giving it a numbing shot. Typically, a minor shot is given so that the patient can begin to move after 45 minutes or an hour. Sedation through an IV is used to keep patients relaxed and comfortable. Gas to help you relax is another option in wisdom tooth extraction. It relieves anxiety, pain and takes off within 10 minutes.
Step 2: Gum incision
Sometimes, the wisdom tooth can become trapped under the gums or bone. Our surgeons are then required to cut into the gum tissues. Later, they will use dissolvable stitches to the gum tissues and prevent infection.
Step 3: Bone removal
Pieces of bone can cover the wisdom tooth and fully block its roots. To access the wisdom tooth roots easily, the surgeons use high-speed dental drills. During bone removal, the gum tissues are cut open. Bone fragments around the wisdom tooth are then removed.
Step 4: Tooth extraction
Surgeons then use forceps to detach the tooth from the gum socket. Large size teeth are very difficult to remove. Therefore, it is advisable to break it into small pieces to keep the surrounding tooth safe and sound.
Step 5: Post-Op cleaning
After extraction, the impacted area is cleaned to remove any excess bits, blood, bone pieces and other leftover bits. This will protect the impacted teeth from pus formation and risk of infection.
Step 6: Gauze placement
Finally, the surgeon will close the wound with a gauze pad and stitches. It will be placed all over the affected area to stop bleeding.
Wisdom tooth recovery timeline
Wisdom tooth recovery varies from person to person. Healing usually begins within a week, but complete bone recovery takes 2-3 months. Various factors contribute to the recovery speed. These include:
General health
Oral Hygiene also plays an important role during the recovery. After surgery, you may feel some sensitivity and pain. However, keeping good oral hygiene habits will avoid discomfort and infections from returning.
Our skilled hygienists know how important clean teeth are. From pain management to hygiene maintenance and post-op care, they will help you heal fast.
Post-Op care
At Smile Dental Riverview, we provide personalized post-operative guidelines to ensure speedy recovery.
Follow the instructions below for post-op care:
For swelling, light bleeding or discomfort, rest as much as possible
To reduce swelling, use an ice pack at least four times a day
Avoid eating or drinking at least two hours after surgery
Try maintain a soft food diet and avoid hard exercises
Gently rinse your oral cavity with salt and warm water daily
Avoid brushing near surgery area
Schedule a follow up visit and monitor the healing progress